Choudhary, associate of Nigerian-British terrorist jailed for life

Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary has been jailed for life but could entitled to a parole after spending a minimum of 28 years in prison. Choudary is an associate of a British citizen of Nigerian descent Michael Abolajo, who was convicted for the May 2013 murder of a British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich London.
Michael Adebolajo is a British convicted murderer and Islamic extremist. He was born on December 12, 1984, in Lewisham, London, England. Adebolajo was radicalized and became an extremist after converting to Islam. He was influenced by the teachings of Anjem Choudary, who founded the banned organization al-Muhajiroun.
In convicting Chadoury, the Woolwich Crown Court said he led a terrorist propaganda operation, aimed at encouraging attacks and spreading messages of “hate and division.”
Members of Choudary’s sects, including Islam4UK and Muslims Against Crusades, have been linked to at least 21 different terrorist plots. Senior members of the group reportedly travelled to Syria to join an IS execution squad.